Policies and Guidance
Policies posted on this page are considered finalized, approved documents. For a list of any items currently open for comments, please visit our Items for Review page. After a policy is finalized, subsequent public comments will be considered for future revisions.
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policies
(Oregon House Bill 3437 renamed Oregon's Workforce Development Board. Policies issued/approved by the Oregon Workforce Investment Board (OWIB) retain full effect until they are revised.)
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policy - Priority of Service
posted 12/14/2021
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policy - Adult and Youth Formula Funding
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policy - Dislocated Worker Formula Funding
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policy - WorkSource Center Operations
(posted 11/1/2021)
Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board Policy - Local Workforce Development Board Membership (updated 11/1/2021)
Attachment A - Local Board Membership Requirements
Attachment B - LWDB Membership Calculator (Excel)
Attachment C - Local Board Membership Roster (template) (updated 11/1/2021)
Attachment D - References
WIOA Title I Policies
Local Workforce Development Areas
Attachment A - WIOA Local Area Designation Process
Attachment B - WIOA Local Area Designation Request Form (template) [This form is used to begin the process of changing the boundaries/counties of existing local workforce development areas.]
Attachment C - Oregon's Designation of Local Workforce Areas for the Implementation of WIOA
Attachment D - References
Attachment E - New Local Area Designation Request Form (template) [This form is used to request designation of a new local workforce development area, identify all counties of which it will be comprised, indicate agreement of all affected local chief elected officials. and satisfy the requirements of 20 CFR 679.240 (a-b).]
Appointment and Certification of Local Workforce Development Boards
Attachment A - LWDB Certification Request Letter (template)
Attachment B - LWDB Board Certification Process
Attachment C - References
(PY 2018 Memo on the Revision of LWDB Certification Policy and Process)
Conflict of Interest
Advisory Opinion from the Oregon Government Ethics Commission
This Advisory Opinion addresses questions regarding Oregon local elected officials who sit on workforce boards, committees, panels, etc.
This Advisory Opinion addresses questions regarding Oregon local elected officials who sit on workforce boards, committees, panels, etc.
Memorandum of Understanding and Cost Sharing Policy
Attachment A - Required Partner Programs, Services, and Activities
Attachment B - Access to Required One-Stop Partner Programs and Services
Attachment C - MOU Development - Parts I & II
Attachment D - Infrastructure Funding Agreements, Cost Allocation Methodology, Other Shared Costs
Attachment E - References
(Future home of MOU documents)
One-Stop Operator Procurement Policy
Attachment A - Process for Local Workforce Development Boards as One-Stop Operator
One-Stop Certification Policy
Attachment A - WSO Centers and Other Sites – Requirements Matrix
Attachment B - One-Stop Center Certification Minimum Requirements
Attachment C - Certification Documentation Requirements
Attachment D - References
(Future home of One-Stop Certification documents)